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What is a bio??

A bio (biography) is essential for every actor, so I figured a more detailed explanation of what it actually is might be useful!

What is a bio?

A bio is a short precis about the cast and crew of a production, usually detailing prior experience and/or training. They can be used as publicity (on social media for example), in the program and serve as a guide for reviewers to have some context for their work.

Why do we do them?

1. It's a great introduction to the people who have put on the show

2. It gives the audience something to do during the interval

3. Makes a great keepsake for actors and their parents

4. Helps people remember what they have seen you in before!

How do you write one?

At Actually Acting Youth Theatre, we ask that all cast members submit a 100 word biography suitable for inclusion in the show programme. 100 words just happen to fit into our programme, but you might be asked for more or less from other companies.

When writing bios, please follow these style guidelines:

  • Write in the 3rd person and in past tense

  • Use full sentences, not dot points (unlike this post!)

  • Put the show name in italics, followed by the year it was performed

  • If you don't have a lot of experience yet, you might like to add some other interests such a sports or music. They don't have to be too serious – feel free to include something that shows your personality.

  • Please don't give us an essay. Only 100 words fit in, so if you keep writing, we have to choose what is important and it might not be what you were hoping for. And it's fairly time-consuming so please stick to the work limit. Less is fine!

Bio examples:

Gemma is 14 years old and has been passionate about the performing arts since she could walk. She has studied short acting courses with NIDA and attended Theatre Bugs for 3 years. Currently Gemma is studying film and television acting at SA Casting and recently appeared in her first TVC for Heis Dog Food. She regularly performs in her school's musicals and recently played Sam in Cujo the Musical (2022). When not on stage, she enjoys playing trombone, singing and annoying her younger brother.

Roger is a year 11 student at St Pauls College, made his first stage appearance aged 3 with his father in Jemima the Outback Goddess, and has been hooked ever since. He performed at the Fringe for the past 3 years with Adelaide Theatre Academy, appearing in Bob the Square Pants (2022), Singing in the Yard Jr (2021) and The Little Shop of Bad Wigs (2020) and has been taking acting classes at SAYarts for 6 years. Roger joined AAYT for their production of Cheaters (2022).

Lee is ten years old and this is their stage debut. They are very excited to join the cast of The Bananas to play the role of Felix. Lee loves creating things and is a talented painter. They also love watching the football and is an avid Crows supporter, and has a dog called Sally whom they adore. When Lee grows up, they want to live in Europe and help people.

If you have any questions about these bios, please contact If you have any suggestions, please fee free to comment below.



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